Work Like a Girl: A Workshop for Women Entering Architecture, Construction, and Design Professions

October 17, 2019

9:00 am


Butler Guest House Lobby

For women (students, faculty and staff) in the College of Architecture, Art and Design at Mississippi State University.

Special Guest:

Melinda Lowe
Director, Outreach & Innovation
Coordinator of Education, Division of Education & Outreach
Melinda Lowe is the Director of Outreach & Innovation and Program Coordinator of Education at Mississippi University for Women where she manages multiple university programs and grant-funded projects within the Division of Education & Outreach. Before joining MUW, Melinda worked for the Columbus Municipal School District for 16 years as an elementary teacher, curriculum coordinator, professional development coordinator, and she developed the STAR New Teacher Induction program. Melinda received her B.S. in Elementary Education from Mississippi State University and her M.Ed. in Educational Leadership from Mississippi University for Women where she was selected as the 2010 Outstanding Graduate Student. She is a National Board Certified Teacher, IC3 certified, and has conducted numerous trainings for educators, parents and various non-profit organizations. Melinda currently serves as immediate past-president of the Columbus Lowndes Chamber of Commerce board of directors. Her service to the community also includes serving on multiple PK-16 education committees, the Lowndes Young Leaders advisory board, the Columbus Lowndes Excel by 5 coalition, the MUW Lowndes County Alumni Association, P.E.O. Chapter AB, and the Girl Scouts Heart of the South Women of Distinction advisory board. Melinda was the recipient of the 2016 Columbus Lowndes Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Volunteer award and Mississippi University for Women’s 2018 Phi Kappa Phi Outstanding Alum award. Melinda is passionate about understanding and developing leadership, especially among young women.


  • Grahame Roofing

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