
Lecture: Visiting artist and scholar Greg Blair


Visiting artist and scholar Greg Blair will be delivering a talk on Tues., Oct. 18 from 6 - 7 p.m. in the Fazio Jury Room located on the first floor across from the Bob and Kathy Luke Library in Giles Hall.

Austin Irby


Why did you choose CAADatMSU?

My wife got accepted for her masters and Ph.D. program in Forestry, and I needed to return back to school. I was already doing freelance photography, so I choose to apply for the art department here.

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Sarah Demus

Why did you choose CAADatMSU?

I chose CAADatMSU because the community was very inviting; the professors guided me on great potential career paths. 

Favorite spot on campus?

When I'm not in the studio, my favorite spot on campus is the pathway between Hull and the Butler Guesthouse. At night the lights are very soothing, and it's the perfect distance between food and the studio. 

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Daniel Hardy

Why did you choose CAADatMSU?

The MSU art department is full of welcoming personalities. Whether it be your peers or your teachers, there will always a kind personality to guide, inspire, or connect with. I wish to join and contribute to this friendly community.

Favorite spot on campus?

My favorite spot on campus is Old Main. The amenities allow for a luxurious study session with beautiful views and quiet offices.

If you could go back and tell your high school self one thing, what would it be?

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