Alumni Spotlight
Nathan Thomas

Nathan Thomas smiling at the camera, wearing a plaid shirt and grey blazer.
Nathan Thomas is an architecture alum.

Ever since Nathan Thomas was young, he remembers being amazed by buildings. When he learned that he could be involved in the design of these buildings, Thomas was hooked. He, then, decided to pursue a career in architecture. 

When deciding where to study, Mississippi State was the obvious choice.  

“My parents actually met at State,” Thomas said, “and my mom's family has attended since the university opened.  The School of Architecture drew me in with their emphasis of preparing students for the reality of practice; additionally, I was familiar with architects and designers produced by the program.” 

While at Mississippi State, Thomas was inspired by his peers. He said that the other students pushed him to do what he did not know was possible and that they enjoyed challenging each other.  

Thomas, a Georgia native, is now working at an architecture firm in Flora. 

“Currently, I am an intern architect with D. Tracy Ward,” Thomas said. “My duties include preparing drawings and proposals, working through concepts with the lead architect, and assisting in client reviews.” 

Thomas has been busy at work in his community since graduating from MSU. 

“I've been fortunate to have worked closely with so many people in the small town of Flora where our Mississippi office is based,” Thomas said. “From small additions and single-family homes up to a larger commercial development, each project has taught me something new about relating our work back to the community it serves. That overall experience, and the Mississippi Heritage Trust award I received for the restoration of my own home, have been what I am most proud of so far.” 

Thomas hopes to continue working with his community with tradition, as well as growth. 

“I would like what I do to cultivate and contribute to the local identity in a way that is respectful of the past, while looking toward the needs of the future,” Thomas said. 

A Q&A with Nathan Thomas 

  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years?  

“Aside from completing my registration exams, I'd love to work overseas and travel more.” 

  • What was/is your favorite tradition at MSU?   

“It has to be the cowbell, from the origin story to hearing it thundering in the stadium from across campus. My twin brother keeps one in his car at all times, for any cowbell-related emergencies, of course.” 

  • What was your favorite thing about your program at MSU?  

“Definitely the relationships I made during my time in the studio. You experience all the highs and lows of reviews and late nights together, and as a result I've made many friends that I'll have for the rest of my life.”   

  • What year did you graduate from MSU?  


  • What is the best thing about your job?   

 “Every day is something different; you never know what (or who) may walk through the door.” 

  • What advice would you give a current student?   

“Don't be afraid to ask questions or take risks, prepare to be flexible, and trust your instincts.” 

Lauren Skelton | August 2021
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