Allyson Parker
The Secrets We Keep
Some of our greatest childhood memories are those created with family. However, family can also be the ones who contribute to the traumatic memories that have long lasting effects on our lives. Through this project, I depict the trauma that sexual abuse by family member causes when it is kept hidden and goes unaddressed.
In this photographic series, the imagery is centered around portraying the abuse by family in a home setting. Each photo is of a space or an object that represents a memory from people who were abused. Slightly hidden in each photo is text that is either the thoughts, feelings, or quotes from those same people. This is to show the secrecy behind abuse by family. The idea “What goes on in this house stays in this house” exists to keep family business in home but neglects to deal with the trauma that is caused in the home and the effects it has on its victims.
Never Forgot

He Touched My Breast


Tried to Block it Out

I Didn’t Know What was Happening

The Damage was Already Done

She Forced Herself on Me

He Had Me Touch Him

Why Didn’t They Believe Me

I was Scarred
He Unbuckled His Pants

They Didn’t Stop It


Help Me


He Fondled Me

Why Me

I Wanted to Scream

Please STOP

I Didn’t Say Anything


Looked Away