This year is a culmination of my academic career as an art major, but it’s also been tough. I’ve had to rely on God through loss, anger, and change in this journey. I’m using these paintings to document the moods I’ve felt along the way, by employing various color and expressions. The intent of this series is not only to express these moods, but how I got to a place of peace in the end.
Thesis Committee Members:
Professor Joe Morzuch, Chair
Professor Jeff Haupt
Professor Ming Hong
I want to display my thoughtful side. Before the work begins, I look at my options. I’m wondering about how stuff is going to work when I create art. Before the challenges happen, I just focus on the potential of what I can do. Oil painting, 20"x30"
Earlier this year I lost my grandmother. You don’t see losing someone close to you while you go through life. It’s tough but you attempt to continue. I did this piece to express the sadness while also having to continue in her memory and be the grandson she always supported. Oil painting, 17.75"x23.75"
This piece is about the serious, angry, “don’t speak to me” side. It’s the middle of the school year and the work is piling up. You continue forward, but there isn’t the enthusiasm or peace found in working on art. Oil painting, 19.6"x23.75"
Amid the grief, the deadlines, mistakes, I needed help. I did this piece to portray how I rely on God in times of adversity. When darkness surrounds me, I look up, above myself and the world to seek the peace to continue. Oil painting, 17.75"x23.75"
This piece is about me when I’m at peace or relaxed. I wanted to portray the cool side of me, and I had a great time painting this piece. As cool as I seem in this painting, I didn’t get there on my own. God brought me through this year to have a chance to graduate and continue to be the man I need to be. Oil Painting, 20"x30"