Building Construction Science

Matt Harrell

Tell us a little about your role with Probity Contracting Group

I serve as the Executive Vice President of Probity Contracting. Being a midsized contracting company focused on the Southeast, I am personally involved with every aspect of the company, from the company's financials to the daily activities of our labor forces in the field.

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Jason J. Young

Tell us a little about your role with FBBInsurance.

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Bryan Ellis

Tell us a little about what you do in your role at ICM.

$60,500,000 in Construction Management • $60,000,000 in Division 8 and Division 9 Specialty Services

Bryan has 16 years of experience in construction management, general contractor, and heavy experience in division 8 and 9. In his role at ICM, Bryan is involved in pre-construction, business development, bidding and buyout, as well as managing the construction phase of the project. In his new role as Division Manager, Bryan utilizes his experience in mentoring young professionals while working on the business. 

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Robert Smith and Justin Smith

Why did your company join our advisory board?

Maroon runs through our blood. Robert graduated in the Construction Engineering program in the 1980s, and I graduated from BCS in 2011 as part of the first class. We joined the board in effort to bring awareness to challenges our industry faces. It's important for students/faculty to see and hear of these challenges from a subcontractor's perspective.

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Tony Carroll

Tell us a little about what you do in your role at Sanderson.

As president and owner, I oversee all aspects of the operation.

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Mack Beane

Tell us a little about what you do in your role at Jesco.

I work for Jesco in a hybrid role. I work both in estimating and project management. This allows me to learn about all the different aspects of a construction project. I have enjoyed this role the past two years.

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Brad Clark

Tell us a little about what you do in your role as President?

I oversee all aspects of the company.

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